Exclusive Islamic estate planning solution of Wassiyyah

Wassiyyah is an exclusive Islamic estate planning provider for the worldwide community. You can create Legally compliant country or jurisdiction-specific Estate plans below with Wassiyyah. To learn more about Legality, Islamic Inheritance law, and Islamic Bioethics, get your free Islamic estate planning guide by Signing up here.

Islamic Will

Wassiyyah offers single and multi-country Islamic Wills. Single country Will is used if you have assets in only one country, but if you have assets in multiple countries, you can create a multi-country Will on Wassiyyah. The Islamic Will offered is in compliance with Islamic Inheritance law.

Trust, Waqf, or Endowment

With Wassiyyah, you can create individual or family Trust. The Trusts (or Waqf) are created to manage wealth while living and estates after death. We offer a revocable Islamic Trust or Waqf for an individual or family that shariah compliance with AAOIFI guidelines and legal laws of the country. Trust can help you save from the time-consuming and costly probate process required for a Muslim Wills. You can also create Endowment or Waqf (or Wakf) for your continuous charity rewards which will be offered in future. The Trust or Waqf offered is in compliance with Shariah in addition to legal laws. Wassiyyah offers Trust-related products specific to countries including Canada, United States, Australia, England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, India, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, China, and many others.

Trust Revocation Agreement

You may not need to terminate or dissolve the Trust once established; however, situations may arise to dissolve the Trust. Wassiyyah offers country-specific Trust Revocation forms for countries including Canada, United States, Australia, United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland), and many others.

Trust Deed of Assignments

To cover non-titled assets and items, Wassiyyah offers a country-specific Deed of assignment for transferring assets and items in or out of the Trust.

Living Will or Medical Directive

Wassiyyah offers Living Wills or Advance Medical or Healthcare directives for Muslims that are country-specific for most of the world. Still, you can also create jurisdiction (i.e., state, province, or territory) specific estate plans for the USA, Canada, Australia, and part of Europe.

Power of Attorney for Financial or Property

Wassiyyah offers Power of Attorney for Property (or Financial) that is country-specific for most of the world. Still, you can also create jurisdiction (i.e., state, province, or territory) specific estate plans for the USA, Canada, Australia, and part of Europe.

Power of Attorney for Healthcare

Wassiyyah offers Healthcare or Personal directives for Muslims that are country-specific for most of the world. Still, you can also create jurisdiction (i.e., state, province, or territory) specific estate plans for the USA, Canada, Australia, and part of Europe.

Deed of Gifts or Hibah

Wassiyyah offers Deed of Gifts or Hibah specific to the country for some of the world countries (USA, Canada, Australia, UK, India, China, etc.,). This Deed of Gift is customized to Sunni Muslim Islamic jurisprudence Madhab (i.e., Hanafi, Shafii, Maliki, or Hanbali).

Pour-Over Wills

Wassiyyah offers single and multi-country Pour Over Wills. Single country Islamic Will is used if you have assets in only one country, but if you have assets in multiple countries, you can create a multi-country Will on Wassiyyah. Pour Over Wills is a backup estate plan to cover the estates left out from an Individual or Family Trust. This Will offered is in compliance with Islamic Inheritance law.

Islamic Inheritance Certificate

Wassiyyah offers an Islamic Inheritance certificate, a non-legally binding certificate to support probate or Trust settlements by an executor or trustee. This certificate is in compliance with Islamic Inheritance law.

Pre and Postnuptial Agreements

The marriage relationship is an important milestone everyone is excited about and looks forward to. In modern society, written agreements have become the norm to have peace of mind in marital life. Wassiyyah offers customized Marriage contracts, Marital (Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements), and Settlement (or Divorce) agreements compliant with legal and Islamic law.

Succession planning

Business can die with the owner’s death and that’s where acting on urgency of Succession planning becomes essential. Wassiyyah offers resources to help you secure your succession planning objective.

Siraj Rajpura

Siraj is a professional consultant, an estate and wealth planning enthusiast, and a creative expert. Siraj is experienced in diverse fields, including development, project management, portfolio management, estimating, budgeting, forecasting, finance, wealth management, debt consolidation, and estate planning, and strategy creation.


Wealth, Estate, and Inheritance taxes


Islamic estate planning (Beginner’s Guide)