Finance Tools (coming soon)
Debt is difficult, and you will hardly find debt-free people on Earth. Wealth management becomes a priority for Muslims, ensuring Islamic compliance in a precious life.
Unfortunately, Many people die with large debts and no estate plan (which could cover the debt obligation to be fulfilled), so their debt obligation remains pending.
Not all decisions about wealth are bad. But for those who solely rely on debts, that create issues in the long term. Mortgages, loans, and lines of credit make it easy for someone to trap in debt. Wassiyyah inspires many people to make the best decisions. Taking time is worth millions when you especially make big debt transactions. Holy Quran reminds us of debt which is clear in the following quote.
If it is difficult for someone to repay a debt, postpone it until a time of ease. And if you waive it as an act of charity, it will be better for you, if only you knew. Be mindful of the Day when you will all be returned to Allah, then every soul will be paid in full for what it has done, and none will be wronged. - Holy Quran 2:280-281
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Wassiyyah is here to help you effectively manage your debt issue through content, tools, and more. Wassiyyah's team has worked over the years in research and inspired many people from mortgages, loans, and credits. Wassiyyah's team has been working on providing wealth management tools to help you to make decisions before signing up for mortgages, loans, and credits. The Wassiyyah't tool will help you quickly come out of debt for those already in debt. Please see the screenshot below of the Wealth management tools.
These wealth planning tools have been created based on real experience. These tools are simple but have been proven effective for many to optimize their wealth planning goal. Before and after debt management tools are created worldwide. The estate, tax, and charity planning tools are created for specific countries such as USA, Canada, Australia, UK, India, and China.
Before debt management tools
Before you accept the agreement for a loan or mortgage, you have the opportunity to do thorough research, and that's where these tools become very handy. The Before Debt tools include many online calculators and analyzers as follows to help you decide before signing up for debt.
Three Years Debt Eliminating Calculator
Five Years Debt Eliminating Calculator
Ten Years Debt Eliminating Calculator
Fifteen Years Debt Eliminating Calculator
Mortgage Property Affordability Calculator
Mortgage House Vs. Condo Comparator
Mortgage Interest Vs. Rental Income Analyzer
Property Buying Vs. Renting Comparator
After debt management tools
After debts, there is no other option than paying off as early as possible, which every owner strives to fulfill the dream. It includes many online calculators and analyzers below to help you optimize your wealth planning goal for debt, mortgage, loans, credits, and budget planning tools.
Mortgage tools
Mortgage Accelerating Payment Comparator
Mortgage Additional Payment Optimizer
Mortgage Amortization Schedule Generator
Mortgage Downpayment Analyzer
Mortgage Payment Comparator
Mortgage Ultimate Interest Savings Calculator
Mortgage Payment Optimizer
Loan tools
Loan Payment Schedule Generator
Loan Payoff Calculator
Loan Payment Comparator
Credit tools
Creditcard Payoff Schedule Generator
Creditcard Interest Savings Calculator
Creditcard Payoff Calculator
Creditcard Interest Calculator
Tax planning tools
Tax planning tools are created specific to the country to help you understand the wealth, estate, and inheritance tax implications. Currently, these Tax tools are not provided worldwide but for some countries such as the USA, Canada, Australia, UK, India, China etc.
Incometax Refund Calculator for Canada
Incometax Calculator for Canada
Northern Allowance Tax Refund Calculator for Canada
Incometax Refund Calculator for United States (USA)
Incometax Calculator for United States (USA)
Incometax Calculator for Australia
Incometax Refund Calculator for United Kingdom (UK)
Incometax Refund Calculator for India
Incometax Refund Calculator for China
Estate planning tools
As an expert in estate planning, Wassiyyah has created country-specific tools to help you understand the estate planning implications on your wealth. Currently, these Estate planning tools are not provided worldwide but for some countries such as the USA, Canada, Australia, UK, India, China etc.
Estate planning Calculator for Canada
Estate planning Calculator for United States (USA)
Estate planning Calculator for Australia
Estate planning Calculator for United Kingdom (UK)
Estate planning Calculator for India
Estate planning Calculator for China
Charity planning tools
These tools are created specific to the country to help understand Charity's impact on tax. Charity, gifts, and testamentary bequests are the fundamental elements of estate planning. Wassiyyah provides optimizer and analyzer tools for charity planning.
Charity Tax Refund Calculator
Charity Maximized Donation Calculator
Charity Optimization Calculator
Economy Tools
After having assets, there is no other option than optimizing them through various techniques or getting expert advice. Importantly, you can visualize in seconds through calculators and analyzers below how your assets will remain after in future. The table below includes many online calculators and analyzers to help you optimize your wealth planning goal for cash, assets, and investments.
Inflation Calculator
Deflation Calculator
Asset Appreciation Calculator
Asset Depreciation Calculator
Budget planning tools
We have developed highly customized templates that help you do your planning easier and smoother. These are created in PDF format that you can download and use.
Budget Customizer
Budget Goal Creator
Budget Optimizer
Budget planner
If you are confused or don't know where to start, please JOIN US to receive your free E-Book, "Beginners guide to Islamic estate planning," specially designed for those who seriously want to make their estate plan completed in the easiest and quickest way.