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Wassiyyah provides Islamic estate planning resources worldwide. By Signing up for a Premium membership. You can enjoy many benefits when you become a member, in orther words become part of Wassiyyah’s family. The benefit is to keep you updated about any changes in new laws worldwide that may impact your estate plan. This communication is posted below. It may include, for example, Changes to Legal laws that can impact your estate plans, Wassiyyah made critical changes for improvements to estate plans, Wassiyyah made changes to the offering of product lines, etc. To minimize communication, we do not post news or announcements unless necessary. Wassiyyah's member should make a note and change accordingly if there is anything we communicate in the Newsletter that impacts. The laws are dynamic, and we introduced some upgrades to offer better and improved service. Wassiyyah ensures its members get updates through this announcement that can enhance their estate and wealth planning.

Sept 1, 2024: Changes to Wassiyyah's tools

Wassiyyah has made significant changes and upgrades on estate plans and tools, and membership features—this new upgrade aimed to improve the customer's experience.

Dec 19, 2023: Changes to Wassiyyah's tools

Wassiyyah introduced Open AI-powered and other tools for estates and wealth management. These updates brought significant changes to AI-powered tools and overall coding algorithms—this new upgrade aimed to improve the customer's experience.

Nov 30, 2023: Changes to Wassiyyah's estate plans

Wassiyyah made substantial changes to the estate plans product. Those who created estate plans before this date are strongly encouraged to revise them with new upgrades. Otherwise, you may miss important updates and may pose legal non-compliance.

FEB 25, 2023: Changes to Wassiyyah's Islamic Wills

Wassiyyah updated the Islamic Wills product. Those who created Islamic Wills before this date are strongly encouraged to revise their estate plans with new upgrades. Otherwise, you may miss important updates.

OCT 15, 2022: Changes to Wassiyyah's all products line

Wassiyyah introduced new product lines, which may impact all the estate planning products offered at Wassiyyah. Those who created estate plans before this date are strongly encouraged to revise their estate plans with new upgrades. Otherwise, you may miss important updates.